Classical News
In today’s news, The Telegraph confirms that The National Gallery is proposing an original exhibition combining painting and music, BR Klassik announces the death of “heroic” Tenor Jon Vickers and Director JJ Abrams explains the importance of orchestral music in movies.
The Times
Daniel Barenboim on why El Sistema is flawed and why London doesn’t need another concert hall
By his own Promethean standards, Daniel Barenboim’s appearance at this summer’s BBC Proms is a stroll in the park.
The Telegraph
The National Gallery is giving its best loved works a musical accompaniment. Helen Brown meets the composers
ENO’s John Berry: surly but talented
The artistic director of ENO, is leaving his job. Rupert Christiansen assesses his turbulent tenure
The Independent
Carly Paoli: Lorry driver’s daughter on road to opera stardom
A lorry driver’s daughter from Mansfield will next week realise a dream as she takes the stage where the Three Tenors – Jose Carreras, Luciano Pavarotti and Placido Domingo – debuted together a quarter of a century ago.
Arts Beat
Ludovic Morlot Extends Contract With Seattle Symphony
The dynamic French conductor Ludovic Morlot has extended his contract as music director of the Seattle Symphony for two more years through August 2019, the orchestra announced Friday.
BR Klassik
Heldentenor stirbt mit 88 Jahren
Jon Vickers nahm man das Etikett “Held” in der Bühnenhandlung ab – und den Begriff “Heldentenor” erfüllte er tönend. Nun ist der Sänger im Alter von 88 Jahren verstorben, wie seine Familie dem Royal Opera House mitgeteilt hat.
Musik heute
Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival eröffnet – Erinnerung an völkerverbindende Kraft der Musik
Das 30. Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival hat offiziell begonnen. “Die Menschen im Land fiebern dem Festival entgegen, jetzt geht es endlich los”, sagte Schleswig-Holsteins Ministerpräsident Torsten Albig zur Eröffnung.
Codex Florex
Rema Early Music Award für Schola Cantorum Basiliensis
Als Europäisches Netzwerk für Alte Musik vereinigt Rema (Réseau Européen de Musique Ancienne) 60 Organisationen und Festivals aus 21 Ländern, die auf Alte Musik spezialisiert sind. Der erstmalig vergebene Rema Early Music Award geht an die Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, einen Sonderpreis erhält das Hilliard Ensemble.
The New York Times
Roy C. Bennett, Part of Midcentury Songwriting Duo, Dies at 96
Roy C. Bennett, who with his partner, Sid Tepper, wrote songs that were recorded by a wide roster of midcentury pop singers, including the titles “Red Roses for a Blue Lady,” “Kiss of Fire” and “The Naughty Lady of Shady Lane,” died on July 2 in Queens. He was 96.
If you’re feeling down over the impending death of classical music (don’t worry, it’s not dying) then take a moment to watch this clip of the 7/10/2015 Star Wars: The Force Awakens comic-con panel featuring director JJ Abrams talk about the importance of orchestral music.
Twitter: @klassikcom: REMA Early Music Award Schola Cantorum Basiliensis #Musikpreis #Musikwissenschaft
France Musique @francemusique#vidéo #insolite : Lang Lang quitte la scène pour se rendre aux toilettes… et la salle se vide @MClassiquefr: “Au moment de son départ il écoutait l’hymne à la joie de Beethoven” Hommage à Gunther Schuller (chef) décédé hier
Canvas: Lake Keitele from Akseli Gallen-Kallela’s (1905)