Classical News
In today’s news, The Guardian lists the best classical music of 2015, Apple enhances classical music browsing in Apple Music with an iTunes update and opera critic Rodney Milnes has died aged 79. Also, clarinetist Sebastian Lambertz builds a new audience for classical music and Los Angeles Times talks about the soothing power of classical music in troubled times
The Guardian
Fiona Maddocks: the best classical music of 2015
There was trouble at the Coliseum, a whirl of orchestral manoeuvres – plus some unforgettable turns at the piano
Classical Source
Rodney Milnes, the opera critic, has died aged 79
Apple Insider
Apple enhances classical music browsing in Apple Music with iTunes update
Apple on Friday released a minor update for the OS X version of iTunes, adding enhanced classical music listening options for the company’s streaming Apple Music service that bring it in line with Music on iOS
Epoch Times
Clarinet Player Builds a New Audience for Classical Music
Lambertz wants people today to feel personally connected to musical traditions and their meanings; otherwise they lose their relevance
Los Angeles Times
Classical music’s soothing powers in troubled times can help open minds and inspire dialogue
In times of tragedy, classical music is automatically summoned for comfort
Die Welt
Bayreuth ist, wo die Kanzlerin am meisten schwitzt
Zum ersten Mal haben die Bayreuther Festspiele das Raumklima im Zuschauerraum untersucht – und Spitzentemperaturen von knapp 45 Grad gemessen. Einen besonders schlechten Sitzplatz hat die Kanzlerin
Gelber Strom – Die Yellow Lounge mit Ludovico Einaudi im Live-Stream
Gerade hat Ludovico Einaudi seinen 60. Geburtstag gefeiert. Am 15. Dezember ist der kreative italienische Musiker zu Gast in der Yellow Lounge und wird für das Publikum dabei erstmals auch in einem Live-Stream zu erleben sein
Filippo Gorini gewinnt Beethoven-Wettbewerb
Der 20-jährige Italiener Filippo Gorini hat den Internationalen Beethoven Wettbewerb 2015 in Bonn 2015 gewonnen. Er setzte sich gegen Ben Cruchley und Moritz Winkelmann durch
El Pais
Por qué siempre nos emocionamos con la música de ‘Star Wars’
John Williams ha creado en la saga la banda sonora más popular de la historia del cine
The New York Times
Evgeny Kissin Will Indulge His Love of Yiddish Poetry at Carnegie Hall
Describing his affinity for Yiddish verse recently, the pianist Evgeny Kissin closed his eyes, bowed his head slightly and in a mellifluous, expressive baritone began to recite a poem from memory
Top Classical News @topcmnews : David Pershall to make Met debut #opera #ballet
Classical Diary @ClassicalDiary : Watch John Williams conduct the new Star Wars score for @60Minutes! The Force Awakens #TheForceAwakens #StarWars …
The Royal Opera @TheRoyalOpera : Watch: Acclaimed Russian conductor Semyon Bychkov on Eugene Onegin, ‘The story that touches everyone’ ^E

Sebastian Lambertz plays the clarinet, accompanied by pianist Babette Hierholzer at a German Forum concert at the Bruno Walter Auditorium in Lincoln Center in New York on Nov. 18, 2015. (Rick Maiman)