In today’s news, the new artistic director at ENO will face some hard decisions and the ICMA held its General Assembly at the Grand Resort in Bad Ragaz, Switzerland. Also, Downton Abbey has been named as Britain’s favourite classical TV theme and a lost joint composition by Mozart and Salieri has been found
The Guardian
ENO in crisis: who can keep the magic alive?
Last week English National Opera advertised for an artistic director. Applications close on Wednesday. Get your skates on if you have a “broadly ranging knowledge of opera” and can “lead an artistic vision”.
Classic FM
Downton Abbey named nation’s favourite classical TV theme after poll of Classic FM listeners
Just weeks after the final episode of Downton Abbey, the theme, composed by John Lunn, has won the Classic FM TV Top 20 with the Sunday Express
BBC Music Magazine
Love, requited or otherwise, was a huge inspiration for many of our greatest Romantic composers. We take a look at some of the best romantic tales of classical music…
Zweites Internationales Musikfest Hamburg steht in den Startlöchern
Die Betreiber der Elbphilharmonie und Laeiszhalle bereiten sich auf das zweite Internationale Musikfest Hamburg vor
Die Zeit
Musik für unsere effektivitätskranke Gesellschaft: Der umjubelte Nils Frahm und seine Band Nonkeen legen ihre erste CD vor
Codex Flores
Interdisziplinäre Musikwissenschaft in Bochum
Die Folkwang Universität der Künste und die Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) bieten ein neues Studienprogramm an
A Very Fit ICMA Jury Met At The Grand Resort In Bad Ragaz
The Jury of the International Classical Music Awards (ICMA) held its General Assembly this weekend during the Next Generation Festival at the Grand Resort in Bad Ragaz, Switzerland
Le Figaro
Une “précieuse” composition de Mozart et Salieri retrouvée
Deux siècles après la disparition des compositeurs, un morceau composé à quatre mains a été redécouvert
New York Times
Amid Tension, Met and James Levine Mull Last Bow
The question of when and how to say farewell to a leader is one that bedevils all kinds of institutions
ARTE Concert @ARTEconcertDE Die #StarsVonMorgen offenbaren ihr Talent – heute u.a. mit @a_garifullina und #FelixKlieser.
Manuel Brug @ManuelBrug Interview: Jaap van Zweden und New York
dw_reise @DW_Reise Berliner Philharmoniker in 360 Grad! Video: @BerlinPhil

Photograph: Classicfm