BBC News
Stolen Stradivarius violin to be sold
The stolen Stradivarius violin that was taken from Euston station in 2010 is expected to sell for more than £1m when it is sold at auction today
Where are all the Aussie chief conductors?
Veteran conductor Patrick Thomas offers some personal thoughts on a native species in danger
Classic FM Online
Watch: trailer for new Elijah Wood Grand Piano movie
A new trailer for Grand Piano, the forthcoming Elijah Wood movie in which he plays a harassed concert pianist, has been unveiled
Truro Cathedral recreates historic carol service
The first ever Nine Lessons and Carols service took place in Truro Cathedral in 1880 – and was recreated last night to celebrate the city’s role in the tradition
New York Times
Deal Gives Philharmonic Musicians Modest Gains
The contract agreement that the New York Philharmonic reached with its musicians last week will keep the music playing at Avery Fisher Hall and spare the city from the kind of bitter labor unrest that has set off damaging strikes and lockouts at other orchestras
Time Out London Kills Classical Music?
According to Norman Lebrecht’s blog over at, Time Out has given notice to classical music. That’s right, Time Out has killed its classical music coverage
The Gazette
Classical music given modern twist
Michael Brailey has just been made principal composer of the National Youth Orchestra (NYO), a major honour. Michael, who lives near Cheriton Bishop in Mid Devon, will compose unique pieces of music for the orchestra of the most talented teenage musicians in the UK
Die Welt
Daniel Hardings Distanz zu deutschen Romantikern
Wer wird Nachfolger von Sir Simon Rattle an der Spitze der Berliner Philharmoniker? Zweiter Teil des Kandidaten-Checks: Diesmal Daniel Harding, der gerade “Szenen aus Goethes Faust” dirigierte

Classic FM