Classical News
In today’s news, BBC Music Magazine is looking forward to five performances of women composers and performers to celebrate International Women’s Day on 8th March. Also, the Queen visiting the National Youth Orchestra, the musical estate of Abbado is to come to Berlin & Aribert Reimann’s birthday
Classic FM
No pressure guys, but The Queen just turned up to listen to your rehearsal
Her Majesty sits in on an orchestral rehearsal in East London as the National Youth Orchestra and Lister Community School Orchestra combine as part of the NYO Inspire
Welcome Among Us, an evening of classical music for refugees in Germany
Berlin hosted a special classical concert at the city’s Philharmonic Hall exclusively for refugees and volunteers
The Strad
UK cellist Gywneth George dies aged 95
The Welsh musician was known for her collaborations with pianist Alberto Portugheis
Arts Professional
£30m revamp for Croydon’s Fairfield Halls
Campaigners are fighting plans to close the south London arts venue for at least two years, to allow for a major refurbishment and the creation of new adaptable performance spaces
BBC Music Magazine
Five ways to celebrate International Women’s Day…
As Tuesday 8 March approaches we select five performances to look forward to that celebrate women composers and performers
Der Tagesspiegel
Nachlass von Claudio Abbado kommt nach Berlin
Der Nachlass des Stardirigenten Claudio Abbado geht nach Berlin. Darauf hat sich die Familie des 2014 verstorbenen Künstlers verständigt
„Sich selbst treu bleiben“ – Komponist Aribert Reimann wird 80
Mit zehn komponierte er seine ersten Lieder. Mit zwanzig begleitete er den Jahrhundertsänger Dietrich Fischer-Diskau als Konzertpianist
Rostock: Steht Abschied von Intendant Sewan Latchinian bevor?
Die Planung der kommenden Saison vor dem Hintergrund der anstehenden Umstrukturierungsmaßnahmen am Volkstheater Rostock verzögert sich
New York Times
For years, Bob Dylan scholars have whispered about a tiny notebook, seen by only a few, in which the master labored over the lyrics to his classic 1975 album “Blood on the Tracks.”
Square Grand Piano Owned by Mary Todd Lincoln’s Sister Restored by Springfield Art Association
Antique musical instruments are not only considered valuable because of their rarity, but also because they tell the story of whomever handled them — or, in this case, heard them
BR_KLASSIK @BR_KLASSIK Interview zukünft. Intendant in Nbg. Jens-Daniel Herzog: “Ein Theater ist kein elitärer Golfclub” @StaatstheaterN
Top Classical News @topcmnews Violinist Marc Bouchkov Awarded Rheingau Festival Career Grant #ClassicalMusic
3sat Kulturzeit @kulturzeit “Ein Maestro in Perm. Dandy und Punk.” Unser 3sat Kulturzeit Porträt über den Kairos-Preisträger 2016, Teodor…

Photograph: DPA / Tagesspiegel