Classical News
In today’s news, the Guardian announces an old manuscript of Igor Stravinsky has been rediscovered and The Times reports of Jonas Kaufmann’s upcoming appearance at the Last Night of the Proms. Also interviews with viola star Maxim Rysanov and Tosca singer Elena Stikhina. As well as this, architect Christoph Nagel reveals his incredible project for a new concert hall in Munich.
The Guardian
Key Igor Stravinsky work found after 100 years
Stephen Walsh, a world expert on the composer, tells how lost score was found in piles of dusty manuscripts
Everyone’s talking about . . . Jonas Kaufmann at the Last Night of the Proms
Rule, Britannia! Or should that be, Herrsche, Gross Britannien!? Next weekend, the superstar tenor Jonas Kaufmann becomes the first German singer to perform the patriotic anthem at the Last Night of the Proms.
Exclusive video: The Tallis Scholars pay tribute to Arvo Pärt on his 80th birthday
Admirers of Part’s music were given a special opportunity to appear in this special filmed tribute to the composer.
Amati Magazine
The Ukrainian viola star Maxim Rysanov, celebrated for his sweet, powerful tone and his passion for commissioning new works, enjoys a Turkish feast with Jessica Duchen during the 2015 Istanbul Festival
Classical Music Magazine
Representation of women on Edexcel music syllabus: update
Student Jessy McCabe, who started a petition to ensure that women are represented on Edexcel’s next A-level music syllabus, has posted an update on the page.
Münchener Architekt schlägt unterirdischen Konzertsaal vor
Neuesten Medienberichten zufolge hat der Münchener Architekt Christoph Nagel den Bau eines unterirdischen Konzertsaals unter dem Königsplatz vorgeschlagen. Sein Entwurf sieht ein unterirdisches Musik- und Kulturzentrum vor, das “Kunst, Musik und Geschichte vereint und zugleich spektakuläre Architektur schafft”.
Codex Flores
Verloren geglaubte Strawsinky-Partitur aufgefunden
In einem Stapel alter Manuskripte ist im Konservatorium von St. Petersburg eine Partitur entdeckt worden, von der man glaubte, sie sei unwiederbringlich verloren. Es handelt sich um Strawinskys Grablied (Pogrebal’naya Pesnya) im Andenken an seinen Lehrer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow.
Die junge Elena Stikhina hatte nicht geplant, als Opernsängerin ihren Lebensunterhalt zu bestreiten, aber nun singt sie Rollen wie Tosca und Micaela. Auf diesem Weg versucht sie, das Publikum mit großen Gefühlen zu überwältigen – so wie es ihr selbst auch passiert ist.
The Washington Post
A piano, it’s said, can emulate an entire orchestra: Its range extends from thunderous fortes to streams of liquid notes. Yet the majority of people who talk about piano sound today are talking about the sound of a single manufacturer: Steinway.
An Unnoticed ‘Happy Birthday’ Draft Gives Singers A Simpler Tune
It may be the most famous song in the world — but you probably don’t know it by the name it was originally called. “Happy Birthday to You,” that little ditty that floats above cakes and candles the world over, was written by Mildred and Patty Hill, two sisters from Louisville, Ky.
ClassicalToday @ClassicalToday: Violinist Arnaud Sussmann Awarded Paris Orchestra Play/Direct Prize
Radio Classique @radioclassique: Les étranges photos de #ValérieBelin à voir au @centrepompidou jusqu’au 14 septembre #coupdecoeur