Classical News
In today’s news Apple Music has gained 11 million members in the five weeks after its launch. The Artistic Director and Executive Producer of the Birmingham Contemporary Music Group are standing down in 2016, and the Welsh National Opera have appointed a new managing director to start December 2015.
Apple Music has 11m trial members five weeks after launching
Spotify rival is still in its free trial period, so the real crunch will come when those users are prompted to pay
Classical Music Magazine
WNO appoints new managing director
Welsh National Opera has appointed Leonora Thomson as its new managing director. Currently director of audiences and development at the Barbican Centre, Thomson is to take up the position in December 2015.
Classical Source
Stephen Newbould, Artistic Director of Birmingham Contemporary Music Group and Jackie Newbould, the ensemble’s Executive Producer, have decided to stand down from their roles at the end of BCMG’s 2015/16 season (in summer 2016).
The Strad
Students launch crowdfunding website to help musicians travel to auditions
The site offers scholarships of up to $500 for string players travelling throughout the US
New York Times
The Proms, BBC’s Classical Music Festival, Is All the More Important as Austerity Looms
Because of the Proms’ enviable roster of visiting orchestras, its support for contemporary composers, and its accessibility, there remain few larger forces for musical good anywhere. But it is now operating in an atmosphere of some discomfort: Its parent corporation and fellow musical broadcasters in Europe are under pressure. And the British government remains bent on austerity.
International Philharmonic Orchestra brings together 100 young talented musicians from 74 countries to represent their countries through music in Seven Epic Concerts, including a concert for Global Peace at Carnegie Hall, New York during United Nations week.
Der Tagesspiegel
Die 16. Ausgabe des Festival Young Euro Classic beginnt am Donnerstag. Insgesamt 1500 Musiker kommen dafür nach Berlin und musizieren 18 Tage lang im Konzerthaus.
Musik Heute
Musik-Festspiele MV zielen auf neuen Besucherrekord
Die Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern haben eine positive Halbzeitbilanz gezogen. Bis zum Ende der 25. Festivalausgabe erwarte man mehr Gäste als im Vorjahr, als mit 73.000 Besuchern ein Rekord erreicht wurde.
Trondheim: Historische Musikinstrumente fallen Brand zum Opfer
Ein Brand im Nationalen Musikmuseum Ringve in Trondheim hat hohe Schäden verursacht. Angaben des Museumsdirektors zufolge seien zwei historische Klaviere, ein Tafelklavier und ein Flügel aus dem 19. Jahrhundert zerstört worden.
Le Parisien
La Hadopi se sépare de son secrétaire général Eric Walter
La Hadopi, l’autorité anti-piratage dont le bilan fait actuellement débat, a indiqué lundi s’être “séparée” de son secrétaire général Eric Walter, confirmant une information de plusieurs médias spécialisés.
El Mundo
Juan Pérez Floristán, primer premio del Concurso de Piano ‘Paloma O’Shea’
Juan Pérez Floristán, ha sido elegido para ser el primer premio y Medalla de Oro, en Gala de Clausura y Entrega de Premios del XVIII Concurso Internacional de Piano de Santander Paloma O’Shea.
Sinfini Music @SinfiniMusic: Barbara Strozzi, born this day in 1619, basically totally bossed being a woman in 17thC Venice. Free #playlist here:
Tête à Tête @teteateteopera: It may not be as hard as you think to get to some shows at @KingsPlace tonight, more here: … #TubeStrike #TaTFest15
BBC Proms Team @bbcproms: See how @nilsfrahm performed his piece “Toilet Brushes – More”: …
The Aurora Orchestra and the BBC Proms Youth Ensemble at the Royal Albert Hall in London. Photo: Chris Christodoulou/BBC