Classical News
In today’s news, an extraordinary argument has broken out between the Leipzig String Quartet and London’s Wigmore Hall, violinist Joshua Bell and the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields will be Classic FM’s first ever Artists in Residence, Jan Latham-Koenig shares the music and musicians that inspire him and the BBC on why lowbrow music hits the right note. Wales Online looks at what’s happened to some of the past winners of BBC Cardiff Singer of the World, Süddeutsche Zeitung reports about music in shopping centres, Simone Young is named the new honorary member of the Hamburger Staatsoper, Anna Netrebko takes time off due to an infection and the Barenboim-Said-Academy opens today. McDonald’s Scottish pipes in Beethoven and Bach to quell public unrest and violinist Suyeon Kang has won the 2015 Michael Hill International Violin Competition.
The Telegraph
The cancelled concert and the violinist accused of attempted murder
An extraordinary argument has broken out between the Leipzig String Quartet and London’s Wigmore Hall over a cancelled concert. At its heart is the violinist accused of attempted murder who maintains his innocence – and that he was the victim of a date-rape drug administered by a transsexual prostitute
Classic FM
Joshua Bell and Academy of St. Martin in the Fields are Classic FM’s Artists in Residence
Violinist Joshua Bell and his orchestra, the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, will be Classic FM’s first ever Artists in Residence.
The Guardian
Facing the music: Jan Latham-Koenig
From Furtwängler to the Beatles to Milhaud, the conductor shares the music that and musicians that inspire him
Why does lowbrow music hit the right note?
There’s a famous line in Noel Coward’s play Private Lives. A couple – once lovers – meet by chance on the terrace of a French hotel. Because they’re middle-class English people and this is the 1930s, emotions are repressed. But off-stage a dance band is playing. The couple are moved, despite themselves. “Extraordinary,” one of them says, “how potent cheap music is.”
Wales Online
BBC Cardiff Singer of the World: Where are the former winners?
It’s just 24 hours until the 2015 contest gets underway so we look at what’s happened to some of the past winners of the biennial contest
Süddeutsche Zeitung
Mit Musik gegen Online-Shopping
Die Überlegung hinter Musik im Kaufhaus ist einfach: Je wohler sich der Kunde fühlt, desto länger bleibt er im Laden. Je länger er bleibt, desto wahrscheinlich ist ein Kauf.
Hamburger Abendblatt
Simone Young neues Ehrenmitglied der Staatsoper
Sie verlässt Hamburg nach zehn Jahren. Zum Abschied ehrte Kultursenatorin Kisseler die Intendantin. Ihr Nachfolger wird Kent Nagano.
Wegen einer hartnäckigen Infektion hat die Sopranistin Anna Netrebko eine Gesangspause eingelegt.
Barenboim-Said-Akademie kommt voran
Die Akademie des Dirigenten Daniel Barenboim für junge Musiker aus dem Nahen Osten lädt heute (15. Juni 2015) zum Richtfest ein.
Fast Food Fight: McDonald’s Scotland Piping in Beethoven, Bach to Quell Public Unrest
If one were to scour the vast libraries of YouTube for fast food restaurant brawls, one might find a buffet of altercations taking place at Wendy’s, IHOP and so on. However, for Scotland’s busiest McDonalds, a new regiment of classical music is being played in order to simmer down the revolting public.
Otago Daily Times
Australian violinist wins Michael Hill Violin Comp
Australian violinist Suyeon Kang has won the 2015 Michael Hill International Violin Competition.
Classicalite @Classicalite: Elliot Goldenthal Talks to Classicalite About ‘Othello’ at the American Ballet Theatre + More! – Technologieunternehmen erhält Innovationspreis für Tinnitus-Software
Classical Today@ClassicalToday: New Paris conductor gets prime TV role

The Leipzig Quartet: Matthias Moosdorf (standing) and Stefan Arzberger, who is accused of attempted murder (second left)