
11th March: Who will conduct the Berlin Philharmonic next? The opera Hitler hated and Radio 3’s week on female composers

Wednesday 11th March 2015

Classical News


Conducting’s next big question: who will bag the Berlin Phil?

With Simon Rattle’s next post in London finally confirmed, attention returns to the Berlin Philharmonic and the question of who will succeed him as its principal conductor.


Mahagonny: the opera that Hitler hated

Brecht and Weill’s Mahagonny has had a troubled history. Rupert Christiansen wonders whether the Royal Opera House’s new production can lift the curse

‘You can’t be a composer, you’re a girl’. Radio 3 fights back

BBC Radio 3 is dedicating a week to young women composers, under the age of 35. Editor Edwina Wolstencroft explains why women have long-been excluded from music (written off as mere ‘ornaments’) and how a new generation hopes to change that

Classic FM

Dame Evelyn Glennie awarded Polar Music Prize

Percussionist Dame Evelyn Glennie has been named one of two Laureates of the 2015 Polar Music Prize, the music world’s equivalent of the Nobel Prize

BBC Music Magazine

Thomas Dausgaard named as new BBC Scottish Symphony conductor

Danish maestro to take post in Glasgow in September 2016

Der Tagesspiegel

Alles ist poetisch

Preise, Preise, noch mehr Preise – und ganz viele Lesungen: Zum Auftakt der Leipziger Buchmesse 2015, die am Mittwochabend mit einem Festakt eröffnet wird.


Schwerpunkt Sakralmusik: Gleichnis des Himmels

Der Komponist Max Reger schrieb im Jahr 1913 an den Autor Arthur Seidl: „Haben Sie nicht bemerkt, wie durch alle meine Sachen der Choral hindurchklingt: Wenn ich einmal soll scheiden?“


Nach Separatistenflagge nun das Friedensbanner: Netrebko in Donetsk

Am vergangenen Freitag kam sie mit dem vom russischen Maler und Philosophen Nicholas Roerich entworfenen Banner des Friedens zu einer Friedenskundgebung im Opernhaus von Donetsk.

Dausgaard Named Chief Conductor Of The BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra

Danish conductor Thomas Dausgaard (51) will become the Glasgow based BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra’s Chief Conductor in September 2016.

Le figaro.fr

Thaïlande : un orchestre pour lutter contre les préjugés

Une trentaine d’enfants aveugles jouent sur une scène en plein air. Ensemble, ils défient les idées préconçues d’une société bouddhiste qui voit le handicap comme une punition divine.

Il messagero.it

Addio al musicologo Paolo Terni, storica voce di Radio Tre 

​È morto Paolo Terni, critico musicale, scrittore, per molti anni docente dell’Accademia d’arte drammatica “Silvio D’Amico” di Roma e storica voce di Radio Tre.


Telegraph Music ‏@TeleMusicNews: Norma Winstone is jazz vocalist of the year http://tgr.ph/1HAyP3j 

Philharmonic Society @RoyalPhilSoc: Congratulations to all the great Opera nominees for @OlivierAwards 2015! http://www.theguardian.com/stage/2015/mar/09/olivier-awards-2015-london-theatre-complete-list-of-nominations …

Classic FM @ClassicFM: This conductor shows you the art of getting a group of children to make music together: http://classfm.co/INGh2k 

'The Rise and Fall of The City of Mahagony' Opera by Kurt Weill and Bertold Brecht performed at the Royal Opera House, London, UK Photo: ©ALASTAIR MUIRCONTACT alastair@alastairmuir.com