
25th May: Cheltenham Music Festival to present 21 world premiere performances, Maria Duenas wins Menuhin Competition Richmond, Gérard Bekerman to be president of the Long-Thibaud Foundation

Tuesday 25th May 2021

Cheltenham Music Festival to present 21 world premiere performances

The Cheltenham Music Festival has announced the line-up for its ten-day festival taking place this July, after it was cancelled last year due to the coronavirus pandemic. The festival returns with 21 world premieres and 1 UK premiere performance of works by composers including Lillie Harris, Luke Styles, Matthew Whittall, Ayanna Witter-Johnson and Jonathan Woolgar, among others.

Ten of these premieres will be part of the core festival programme, with an additional 12 world premieres written by this year’s Composer Academy students.

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Maria Duenas gewinnt Menuhin Wettbewerb Richmond

Die 18-jährige spanische Geigerin Maria Duenas wurde am Pfingstwochenende mit dem 1. Preis beim Menuhin Wettbewerb Richmond ausgezeichnet. Damit setzen sich ihre öffentlichen Erfolge fort, nachdem sie erst Anfang des Jahres als 1. Preisträgerin des Getting to Carnegie Wettbewerbs hervorging und bereits zuvor die Zhuhai Mozart International Competition (China 2017) gewonnen hatte.

Sie erhält neben einem Preisgeld von 20.000 Dollar eine zweijährige Leihgabe einer Stradivari-Violine aus der Privatsammlung von Jonathan Moulds durch die Beare’s International Violin Society sowie einen Bogen von Christophe Landon.

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Maria Duenas wins Menuhin Competition Richmond

The 18-year-old Spanish violinist Maria Duenas was awarded 1st prize at the Menuhin Competition Richmond over the Whitsun weekend. With this award, she continues her public successes, having emerged as 1st prize winner of the Getting to Carnegie Competition just earlier this year, and having previously won the Zhuhai Mozart International Competition (China 2017).

In addition to a prize money of $20,000, she will also receive a two-year loan of a Stradivarius violin from the private collection of Jonathan Moulds through the Beare’s International Violin Society, as well as a bow by Christophe Landon.

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Qui est Gérard Bekerman, désigné président de la Fondation Long-Thibaud ?

Les administrateurs de la Fondation Marguerite Long–Jacques Thibaud ont élu Gérard Bekerman, président de l’Afer (Association française spécialiste en épargne retraite & assurance vie) et de la Fondation Georges Cziffra, qui succède au journaliste et homme de télévision Bernard Volker qui en assurait la présidence depuis 2017.

Gérard Bekerman n’est pas un inconnu dans le milieu de la musique classique. Pianiste amateur mais confirmé et assidu depuis l’âge de 5 ans, fidèle des grands festivals et, notamment, de celui de Bayreuth, sa ville préférée, cet économiste et universitaire a créé en 1989 le Concours International des Grands Amateurs de Piano.

Gérard Bekerman to be president of the Long-Thibaud Foundation

The directors of the Marguerite Long-Jacques Thibaud Foundation have elected Gérard Bekerman, president of Afer (French association specialising in retirement savings and life insurance) and of the Georges Cziffra Foundation, to succeed the journalist and television personality Bernard Volker, who had been president since 2017.

Gérard Bekerman is no stranger to the classical music world. Being an amateur pianist since the age of 5, he has been a regular attendee of the major festivals, in particular the festival in Bayreuth, his favourite city. In 1989, the economist and academic created the International Competition of Great Piano Amateurs.

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