Classical News
In today’s News, Classical Music Magazine announces British Composer Awards shortlist, The Guardian reports on English National Opera’s commitment to its core values & Classic FM announces big increase in number of listeners
Classical Music Magazine
British Composer Awards shortlist announced
The shortlist for the 2015 British Composer Awards has been announced. It comprises 33 composers across 12 categories, including choral, sonic art, liturgical, and community or educational project, with 40% of those shortlisted being first-time nominees
The Guardian
We’ve turned the page, insists English National Opera
After a difficult year, the opera company affirms its commitment to its core values and central London base
Big audience increase for Classic FM
The world’s biggest classical music radio station has posted a significant increase in audience. 5.5 million people now listen to Classic FM each week, and they’re tuning in for longer
Der türkische Pianist Fazil Say ist in Paris mit dem internationalen Säkularismus-Preis “Prix de la Laicité” ausgezeichnet worden. Die Verleihung fand am Montag im Pariser Rathaus statt
Musik Heute
Dresdner Frauenkirche: Musikprogramm 2016 zwischen Wiederentdecken und Kennenlernen
Unos 60 expositores traen 100.000 discos este fin de semana a a la VIII Feria del disco de Madrid
El Mundo
Record Label A&R: @recordlabel_ar A Huge List of Opportunities for Musicians
LondonLifestyleAward: @LLAwards The award goes to @pizzajazzclub. Congrats on being crowned London Live Music Venue of the…

Sonic art category nominee Christopher Fox
Photo: Sally Trussler
Classical Music Magazine