Claudio Abbado, one of the most acclaimed conductors of our age, has died aged 80. The Italian conductor has been in ill health for several months and has not conducted in public since last summer.
Daily Mail
A collection of pictures all dating from 1890 to 1914 and belonging to Gwladys Robinson, Lady de Grey, have been released by the Royal Opera House. She left the photos to the Opera House following her death in 1917.
Rocket News 24
Japan Airlines offers free guitar boxes to ease travelling musicians’ worries
As well as offering smaller cases for instruments such as guitars and flutes, Japan Airlines (JAL) has begun lending out a protective cases for guitars, to protect them in the hold as they are too big for the plane.
Vanessa Mae to ski for Thailand at the Winter Olympics
British violinist Vanessa-Mae has fulfilled her long-term ambiltion to qualify for the Winter Olympics. At this year’s Sochi games, she will be racing for Thailand, where her father was born.
The Belfast Telegraph
Lying music teacher defrauded children using fake piano exams
A music teacher who put children through fake piano exams has admitted 16 charges of fraud.
Neue Musikzeitung
Figaro und Ich – Ein Sänger und seine Rolle
Bart abrasieren, Perücke aufsetzen und Kostüm anziehen – das alles sind Dinge, die Sängerinnen und Sänger dabei helfen, in ihre jeweilige Rolle zu finden. Allerdings gehört hierzu noch viel mehr als solche bloßen Äußerlichkeiten…

The Guardian