Classical Music Magazine
English National Opera to branch out into musical theatre
English National Opera ENO has announced it will be opening its doors to the world of musical theatre as part of company plans to create a ‘sustainable future’
Classic FM
Colorado Symphony Orchestra announce ‘bring your own cannabis’ concerts
The Colorado Symphony Orchestra will be appearing at a new series of concerts entitled ‘Classically Cannabis: The High Note Series’, where attendees are encouraged to bring their own marijuana.
Ed Balls on passing Grade 3 piano: “It’s pretty stressful”
Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls has revealed what it was like to pass his Grade 3 piano exam last week, describing the experience as “stressful”.
Opera North announce first Poppea and departure of music director Farnes
Opera company reveals plans for new Mozart, Verdi and Monteverdi, while Richard Farnes’s tenure is to culminate in summer 2016 with a series of complete Ring cycles in concert stagings
What has science got in common with opera? Oil
As a new graphic from Platform London demonstrates, oil money flows through science in culture. Alice Bell asks if we should be concerned.
El Pais
Opera singer Montserrat Caballé under scrutiny for tax evasion
Spain’s most famous soprano allegedly failed to pay €500,000 in income tax in 2010.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Britten in Lyon: Wie uns die Oper in den Wahnsinn treiben kann
Mit drei Musikthrillern von Benjamin Britten verführt Serge Dorny das Publikum in Lyon. Das Oper-für-alle-Konzept macht Paris zur Musikprovinz.
Die Welt
Montserrat Caballé hat 500.000 Euro Steuerschulden
In Spanien ist der 81-jährige Opernstar Montserrat Caballé eine Institution. Ihren Wohnsitz hat sie aber im Steuerparadies Andorra. Da war sie zu selten. Ihre Steuerschuld: einer halbe Million Euro.
Es gibt kaum ein Thema, über das man mit Daniel Müller-Schott nicht reden kann. Hier spricht er über …
Ungebrochener Elan – Karl Jenkins hat für “Motetten” seine schönsten Werke umarrangiert
Karl Jenkins hat anlässlich seines 70. Geburtstags seine schönsten Werke für den Chor Polyphony umarrangiert. Sein neues Album “Motetten” ist von erhabener und zeitloser Schönheit.
AMC’s Mad Men’ is More Than Just Brilliant Television, Chopin and Beethoven Are Important Musical Devices for the Show’s Demographic
Classical Music on Twitter
Royal Philharmonic @rpoonline #Classical season 2014/15 @southbankcentre: Pinchas Zukerman conducts Beethoven’s ‘Choral’ Symphony on Mon 27 Oct
Making Music UK @MakingMusic_UK Contemporary classical composers producing pieces for mobile phone alerts:
Corinne Morris @corinnemorris The Raphael Sommer Foundation (he was my cello teacher) awards scholarships for undergrad. students. Find out more:
The Royal Opera @TheRoyalOpera What do you think is #ROHfigaro’s musical highlight? So many moments to choose from, but if we had to choose…

The Guardian