Classical News
In our news today, the media mourns the record producer Sir George Martin after his death at the age of 90 and cellist Julian Lloyd Webber maintains that the Royal Festival Hall is a great concert hall. In France, four opera houses decide to join forces and in Germany the Vogtland hopes to attract more visitors to the region through its musical traditions.
Cellist Julian Lloyd Webber defends Royal Festival Hall
Julian Lloyd Webber is the first to agree that the Royal Festival Hall’s acoustics are far from perfect – but that doesn’t stop it from being a great concert hall
Beatles classic ‘When I’m Sixty Four’ could cause health problems
Study says tracks with negative lyrics about growing old can affect the confidence of people later in life
BBC Entertainment and Arts
Record producer Sir George Martin, known as the “fifth Beatle”, has died, aged 90.
Die Zeit
Beatles-Produzent George Martin gestorben
George Martin war als “fünfter Beatle” maßgeblich am Aufstieg der Band zu Weltstars beteiligt. Der britische Musikproduzent starb im Alter von 90 Jahren
Französische Nationalbibliothek erwirbt verschollen geglaubten Berlioz-Klavierauszug
Die Bibliothèque nationale de France hat ein umfangreiches Manuskript von Hector Berlioz erworben. Es handelt sich um das Manuskript des Klavierauszugs von Berlioz‘ Oper “Les Troyens”
Vogtland will mit Musiktradition mehr Gäste anlocken
Im vogtländischen Musikwinkel in Markneukirchen soll eine neue Schauwerkstatt für Blechblasinstrumente mehr internationale Gäste anlocken
Washington Post
Jordi Savall wakes an early-music instrument from a long sleep
The viola da gamba, Jordi Savall said, “started a long sleep” around 1800, when the instrument fell out of widespread favor
France Musique
Les quatre maisons d’opéra du Grand Est mutualisent leurs forces
Alors que vient de se créer la nouvelle grande région Alsace Champagne-Ardenne Lorraine, les quatre maisons d’opéra du territoire ont décidé de se rapprocher
Classical Music on Twitter
The Economist: @TheEconomist Sir George Martin, the “Fifth Beatle”, has died. He was instrumental in shaping their music
Classical Music: @ClassicalMusic_ .@ClarinetEmmaJ has become the first woman to have her portrait unveiled at @pembroke1347
Classical Diary: @ClassicalDiary Producer for the #Beatles, Sir George Martin was also a composer & conductor who worked for the BBC’s classical music department & EMI. #RIP
Music History: @today_classical #Today in 1748 FP of #Handel’s oratorio Joshua at the Covent Garden, London. #MusicHistory #classicalmusic

Joel Ryan / BBC