Community music-making programme In Harmony Telford and Stoke have released a short video on their website called ‘Making a Difference’. This video features interviews with staff at Old Park Primary, Telford and Heron Cross Primary, Stoke, who give an interesting perspective on the positive and beneficial change they are seeing in the children, who are also featured in interviews. By watching ‘Making a Difference’ it is clear that the children are engaged with the music, instruments and each other, and even more than this, they are not only learning but they are enjoying themselves.
Something unique to In Harmony Telford and Stoke that we catch a glimpse of through ‘Making a Difference’ is the way in which the children are able to take their learning home. This is due to their freedom to take home and practice In Harmony’s instruments, but also via various online resources that the organisation offer online to encourage the children and extend growth beyond the classroom.
To see more of what this looks like, take a look at In Hamony TS’s website to see the full video, you can also learn more about what they offer simply by exploring their website. You can always follow In Harmony TS’s latest news and activities via their Facebook and Twitter pages.

In Harmony