
22nd May: Händel festival Göttingen & new principal conductor at the Jena Philharmonic

Monday 22nd May 2017

In today’s news: the English Concert is to become associate orchestra at Buxton International Festival, and Mozart Festival runs at Würzburg from June 2nd to July 2nd. Simon Gaudenz becomes new principal conductor at the Jena Philharmonic, and Händel festival Göttingen stages less known opera ‘Lotario’.

Music Week

Radar launch free content commissioning services

Radar has today (May 22) announced the launch of a host of free new services tailored to meet the needs of contemporary music marketers.

The Stage

Creative industries election event axed after Labour shuns debate

The Creative Industries Federation has withdrawn from an event with the Labour Party because it was unable devote enough time to Q&A.


The English Concert and Buxton International Festival announce partnership

The English Concert is to become an associate orchestra at the Buxton International Festival.

The Guardian

Making sounds with Suzanne Ciani, America’s first female synth hero

She was one of the few women working in sound design during the 1970s and here she talks about a long career, from appearing on Letterman to how she ended up making the famous Coke noise.


Eine Tasse Kaffee fürs Wolferl

Vom 2. Juni bis zum 2. Juli 2017 dreht sich beim Mozartfest Würzburg alles um den österreichischen Komponisten


Göttinger Händefestspiele – Georg Friedrich Händels selten gespielte Oper „Lotario“ in Göttingen

Vor allem dank des jahrzehntelangen Festspieleifers gibt es kaum noch Aufführungslücken bei den Opern und Oratorien Georg Friedrich Händels. Sein „Lotario“ gehört gleichwohl zu den bislang stiefmütterlich behandelten Werken.


Simon Gaudenz wird neuer Generalmusikdirektor der Jenaer Philharmonie

Simon Gaudenz wird ab der Spielzeit 2018/2019 neuer Generalmusikdirektor der Jenaer Philharmonie. Das Jenaer Orchester wählte den Schweizer mit großer Mehrheit, wobei Gaudenz sich gegen weit über 100 Mitbewerber durchsetzte.

Il Messagero

Violini e pianoforti tra gli alberi, all’Abbadia di Fiastra torna la rassegna “Musica da bosco”

Da domenica 21 maggio tornano i concerti di “Musica da Bosco”, la rassegna che trasforma il bosco dell’Abbadia di Fiastra (Macerata) in una straordinaria sala da concerto.

NY Times

In Wreckage of the Fyre Festival, Fury, Lawsuits and an Inquiry

A few days after the spectacular collapse of the Fyre Festival, just as federal investigators began to circle the wreckage, the event’s would-be mastermind, Billy McFarland, was still making promises.


Getting ready for the OCNO floating concert! I’ll try to set up a live streaming on my FB page at 6:30pm CEST, lat…

A look back to yesterday’s with music by Elliott Carter. A day to remember!


Residenz Würzburg © Daniel Peter