
9th September: Kinshasa Symphony Orchestra at Royal Festival Hall, Marin Alsop made Honorary Member of RPS and New York Philharmonic fundraising for 2019 renovations.

Tuesday 9th September 2014

Classical News

The Telegraph

Kinshasa Symphony Orchestra: Congo’s musical lifeline

Ahead of their performance in the Royal Festival Hall on the 14th September John Allison discusses the history of the orchestra from Congo.


French prodigy Jean Rondeau on a mission to make the harpsichord hip

Harpsichordist Jean Rondeau, who won first prize at the Bruges International Harpsichord Competition, is hoping to bring back the appeal of the period instrument. Having been signed by Warner Music he is hoping to share his love of the instrument with young people everywhere.

Classical Music

Marin Alsop is made RPS honorary member

The inspirational Marin Alsop has been awarded Honorary Membership of the Royal Philharmonic Society.

The Guardian

Soprano Magda Olivero dies, aged 104

One of the most prominent interpreters of Italian verismo operatic tradition has passed away at the age of 104.


Mari Fukumoto gewinnt Orgelwettbewerb

Japanerin gewinnt Preisgeld in Höhe von 4.000 Euro


Leonard Fu gewinnt Tonali-Wettbewerb

17-jähriger Jungstudent erhält drei Preise in Höhe von insgesamt 13.000 Euro

Die Welt

“Bonn ist verführerisch, Weimar war es so nicht”

Bayreuth hat sie nicht bekommen, jetzt wechselt Nike Wagner aus Thüringen an den Rhein zum Bonner Beethovenfest. Ein Interview über Uururgroßvater Liszt, einen alten Titanen und die Lust auf Revolte.

New York Times

Philharmonic to Raise Funds for 2019 Renovation

The target date to begin the long-delayed renovation of Avery Fisher Hall is now 2019, and the New York Philharmonic is planning a campaign to raise its share of the construction costs and double its endowment, the orchestra disclosed in a recent job listing.

Prague Post

Jiří Bělohlávek will conduct opening concert of Dvořák Prague Festival tonight

Czech conductor Jiří Bělohlávek has won the Antonín Dvořák Prize for promoting Czech classical music and the works of Dvořák, Silvie Marková, spokeswoman for the Classical Music Academy that organises the Dvorak Prague International Music Festival that opens today, has told the Czech News Agency.


Sinfini Music: @SinfiniMusic Are you a student? Will you be going to @RoyalOperaHouse Anna Nicole this week? Check out our debate http://www.sinfinimusic.com/uk/features/other-features/royal-opera-house-anna-nicole-q-and-a …

Steve Pickett: @torkefan One very satisfied customer. #KinshasaSymphonyOrchestra Johnny Balongi ‘Its like another instrument!’ @the_halle

Music Teacher: @MusicTeacherMag Alarming statistics: new national YouGov poll highlights government failure to implement NPME – http://ow.ly/BgOBa

Arts & Business: @arts_business #youngprofessionals on arts boards deadline is this Friday; enjoy some culture whilst making a difference  http://bit.ly/TUVymQ  apply here


Sounding Images

Sounding Images