Classical News
In today’s news, Classical Music Magazine discusses why the women in music debate is more important than ever and ABRSM launches an initiative to get more primary school children interested in classical music. Also, The Statesman reports that the Delhi Classical Music Festival is drawing a large audience
Classical Music Magazine
The women in music debate is more vital than ever
In the late 1980s, my generation emerged from college believing we could have it all. We imagined the battle for ‘Women’s Lib’ had been won and we would be its beneficiaries
Arts Desk
10 Questions for Nicola Benedetti and Wynton Marsalis
He’s a jazz composer, she’s a classical violinist: put them together, what have you got?
BBC Music Magazine
ABRSM launches ‘Classical 100’ initiative
New scheme to interest primary school children in classical music launched
The Statesman
Delhi classical music fest draws large audience
A music festival featuring maestros like Begum Parveen Sultana and Pandit Bhajan Sopori began here on Monday with the promise of enthralling Delhi’s classical music connoisseurs
Stanislaw Skrowaczewski zum Ehrendirigenten der Deutschen Radio Philharmonie ernannt
Der polnisch-amerikanische Dirigent und Komponist Stanislaw Skrowaczewski wird auf Vorschlag des Orchesters zum Ehrendirigenten der Deutschen Radio Philharmonie Saarbrücken Kaiserslautern ernannt
Gärtnerplatz-Intendant: Sanierung als „Damoklesschwert“
Zum 150-jährigen Bestehen des Münchner Gärtnerplatztheaters plagen dessen Intendanten Josef Köpplinger Sanierungssorgen. Es sei noch nicht klar, wann genau der Spielbetrieb im Stammhaus in der Münchner Innenstadt nach der millionenschweren Sanierung wieder aufgenommen werden kann
Sujin Bae gewinnt Giulio-Perotti-Gesangswettbewerb
Die südkoreanische Sopranistin Sujin Bae hat den 4. Giulio-Perotti-Gesangswettbewerb in Ueckermünde gewonnen
Martin Scorsese Confirms Leonard Bernstein Biopic, Renews Paramount Deal
Martin Scorsese, a household name in filmmaking, has announced that he will renew his development deal with Paramount. On the list of upcoming projects is a biopic about the West Side Story composer, Leonard Bernstein
Martin Fröst Suffers From Inner Disease
Swedish clarinettist Martin Fröst, 44, has cancelled his upcoming appearances with the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra due to Meniere’s disease, an inner-ear disorder
Youth Music: @youthmusic Our friends at @DRGUK are supporting Youth Music with a donation for every guitar sold!
Brighton Early Music: @BREMF Coming up this week – the earliest opera by a female composer. Watch our #FreeRuggiero preview film … #Brighton #Hove
British Council Arts: @BritishArts Read this @GdnCulturePros article on the importance of nurturing smaller #arts organisations

BBC Music Magazine
‘Classical 100’ Initiative