14th March: Scottish Chamber Orchestra announces new season under Maxim Emelyanychev, Catrin Finch returns to the stage and Munich’s Hochschule calls for compositions

Thursday 14th March '19

SCO announces 2019/20 season with new principal conductor Maxim Emelyanychev The Scottish Chamber Orchestra has announced its season for 2019/20, the first with new principal conductor Maxim Emelyanychev (pictured). The season opens in September 2019 with conductor …

19th June: Honorary concert for Sir Jeffrey Tate & Bach medal for Reinhard Goebel

Monday 19th June '17

In today's news: Catriona Morison becomes first British BBC Cardiff Singer of the World, and Alexander Papp wins Scottish National Orchestra’s (RSNO) Notes from Scotland composition competition. Honorary concert for Sir Jeffrey Tate, and Reinhard Goebel receives …
