1st April: Classical music for cats, RPS Music Awards shortlist and EU note standardisation – but can you tell which is an April fools?

Wednesday 1st April '15

Classical News Independent How Tansy Davies turned 9/11 into her opera 'Between Worlds' Tansy Davies makes her operatic debut with a work about the attack on the Twin Towers. Despite the topic, it is a life-affirming piece, she …

8th July: John Williams conducts new Star-Spangled Banner arrangement, Aix-en-Provence: drama onstage and off and Cats musical to feature rapping cat

Tuesday 8th July '14

Classical News Classic FM John Williams conducts new Star-Spangled Banner arrangement: video John Williams has premiered a brand new arrangement of the USA's national anthem, the Star-Spangled Banner, at a special 4th of July celebration in Washington. The New York …
