New live videos from John Matthias

Wednesday 26th March '14

Musician and composer John Matthias and record label Village Green have released another live video of music from John’s fantastic album. The second video is released today on youtube and features the track ‘Close Knit’ from John’s new album ‘Geisterfahrer’, out now …

New live videos from John Matthias

Monday 17th March '14

Musician and composer John Matthias and record label Village Green are releasing new live videos of John's enchanting performances. The first video is released today on youtube and features the track 'Jackie Bouvier' from John's new album …

‘Geisterfahrer’ by John Matthias released today!

Monday 17th February '14

John Matthias' much-anticipated latest album is out today on the Village Green label. 'Geisterfahrer' is an album that includes a mixture of material: new works written and performed by John Matthias and Andrew Prior for the …

‘Right up to date’: John Matthias on BBC Radio 3 ‘In Tune’

Tuesday 4th February '14

Yesterday evening, John Matthias performed for and spoke live to BBC Radio 3 for the drive-time show ‘In Tune’. His performance with fellow musicians Jay Auborn and Dunstan Belcher brought the show ‘right up to date’ …
