We’re counting down the days until the Oxford Chamber Music Festival!

Wednesday 16th September '15

With only two weeks to go, we’re very excited here at WildKat PR as we prepare for the Oxford Chamber Music Festival 2015. The festival takes place 30 September – 3 October, with concerts in …

29th January: Another stolen Stradivarius, Man dressed as Mozart for Super Bowl media, and string quartet pecking order revealed

Wednesday 29th January '14

BBC News Hidden hierarchy in string quartets revealed Scientists have come up with a way to reveal the pecking order within a string quartet Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 'Priceless' Stradivarius violin stolen in armed robbery in Milwaukee A 300-year-old Stradivarius violin …

21st January: Age ratings for music videos, Katherine Jenkins on music snobs and her new Decca deal, and a Theatre by Candlelight

Tuesday 21st January '14

The Telegraph Katherine Jenkins: why classical music snobs are wrong Singer Katherine Jenkins speaks of classical music snobs, the perils of the internet, and why she refuses to adopt a "sexier image" Claudio Abbado's death marks the end …

10th December: Audience boos La Traviata, the question of sacred music, and flash mob

Tuesday 10th December '13

The Guardian Polish tenor hits back after a 'fanatical minority' boos La Scala production Piotr Beczala says he will not take another role in Italy after section of audience boos new production of La Traviata Limelight Magazine What's the …
