19th October: The reinvention of LIPC, Music For Cats & SBCO’s Classical Connections program

Wednesday 19th October '16

Classical News In today's classical news, Paul Lewis and Adam Gatehouse, joint Artistic Directors of Leeds International Piano Competition, talk about the reinvention of the competition. David Teie, an US composer and cellist, released Music For Cats …

‘Geisterfahrer’ by John Matthias released today!

Monday 17th February '14

John Matthias' much-anticipated latest album is out today on the Village Green label. 'Geisterfahrer' is an album that includes a mixture of material: new works written and performed by John Matthias and Andrew Prior for the …

17th February: Composers’ cash prizes, ICEstruments in Lapland & can musical jingles help dementia sufferers?

Monday 17th February '14

The Telegraph Why don't composers win cash prizes when they need them most? Composers with established reputations are loaded with honours and money. But it would be a help if they were given such recognition early in …

‘Right up to date’: John Matthias on BBC Radio 3 ‘In Tune’

Tuesday 4th February '14

Yesterday evening, John Matthias performed for and spoke live to BBC Radio 3 for the drive-time show ‘In Tune’. His performance with fellow musicians Jay Auborn and Dunstan Belcher brought the show ‘right up to date’ …
