7th November: AI and composing, violins made from spiders’ silk, rediscovering of a missing Weill song.

Tuesday 7th November '17

In today’s news: AI could become the next Mozart, violins that incorporate spiders’ silk, nominations for 2018 International Opera Awards are open. A missing Weill song is rediscovered and the German theatre prizes are awarded. The …

22nd January: Tugan Sokhiev takes up Bolshoi post, Lark Ascending soundtracks controversial Coronation Street death,& does sex sell in the classical music industry?

Wednesday 22nd January '14

Classic FM Lark Ascending soundtracks controversial Coronation Street death The scene, in which Hayley (played by actress Julie Hesmondhalgh) ends her own struggle with pancreatic cancer by mixing a lethal cocktail of medicine, ended with her on-screen …
