25th February: Sales provide more artist income than streams, remote recording technology is changing the music industry & PokerStars attract new players by forging stronger links with the arts

Tuesday 25th February '14

Guardian Musician Zoe Keating reveals iTunes, Spotify and YouTube payouts for 2013 Cellist’s latest publicly-shared numbers reveal 92% of her income still comes from sales rather than streams. Christian Curnyn: too hot to Handel He's putting the shock into …

15th January: Everyone knows classical music, 2016 Menuhin Competition, and Katy Perry’s Orchestral version of Roar

Wednesday 15th January '14

Buffalo News Gerard Catalano: everybody knows some classical music Why do we say we do not know classical music when it is everywhere in movies, television shows and commercials? Global News Katy Perry applauds Chinese orchestra’s version of ‘Roar’ Pop superstar Katy …
