*ATELIER* Acteurs de la musique : comment développer son identité artistique, comment construire sa “marque” ?

Friday 18th February '22

WildKat Paris animait ce matin un atelier de branding pour les adhérents de PROFEDIM La pandémie de 2020 a brusquement projeté le secteur musical dans une communication digitale : concerts en ligne, utilisation massive des réseaux …

16th September: Wildschut signs to Warner Classics, Harvey leaving Kalamazoo & Open House London 2016

Friday 16th September '16

Classical News Today's news, Noa Wildschut, female Dutch violinist, signs to Warner Classics at the age of 15 and Raymond Harvey is to step down from being Kalamazoo's Symphony Orchestra's music director. Also, This year's Open House London …

Introducing Beares Auctions

Friday 12th February '16

WildKat PR is thrilled to be working with boutique auction house, Beares Auctions on an exciting new campaign. Beares Auctions is a boutique auction house specialising in the sale of fine instruments and bows, supported by internationally respected …
