Wimbledon International Music Festival begins this weekend

Friday 7th November '14

Starting this Saturday and continuing throughout the month of November, Wimbledon will welcome world-class artists from around the globe to perform in various venues as part of the Wimbledon International Music Festival. Now in its sixth year, …

31st October: Can composers ever effectively commemorate WWI? Creative Scotland diverts extra £10m funding and Carnegie Hall to start livestreaming recitals.

Friday 31st October '14

Classical News Telegraph Can composers ever effectively commemorate WWI? Modern composers are finding it difficult to strike a properly public tone when honouring the fallen, says Ivan Hewett The Strad Is playing a concerto really the ultimate test of musicianship? Performing …

28th March: Ten greatest opera stars, thoughts on Spotify & Brooklyn Rider’s Kickstarter campaign

Friday 28th March '14

The Times 10 great opera stars Nine singers, one conductor — these are the people you need to know before the International Opera Awards next month Gramophone Spotify: threat or friend? Martin Cullingford reflects on the changing nature of how …
