Classic FM Online
Rachmaninov manuscript sells for £1.2million
Music scholarship may change forever after the Russian master’s Symphony No. 2 sold at auction today alongside music by Beethoven, Puccini and Mozart.
The Guardian
Young Musician competition – let’s start with a level playing field
It’s undeniable that pianists and string players have the advantage in instrumental competitions. Tom Service has a dream, and if Michael Gove’s nightmare doesn’t destroy the next generation of musicians first, why not rethink the Young Musician competition so that all players and all music is created equal?
The Local
French dad uses Mozart to fight drug dealers
A father in the Parisian suburbs who became fed up with drug dealers hanging out in front of his apartment building is using an original method to try to chase the young men away – a nightly dose of classical music.
7 News Australia
Fat shaming must end in Aussie opera
After the British press fat shamed young star Tara Erraught this week, Australian opera singer Sarah Ann Walker has revealed the pressure to be slim pervades the industry Down Under too.
A review of Der Rosenkavalier at Glyndebourne has sparked a row about whether critics have the right to comment on a female singer’s appearance. Rupert Christiansen sticks to his guns
Classical Music on Twitter
ACE National @ace_national Balancing act: our Chief Exec @armslengthal blogs about our ongoing national portfolio investment process:
Telegraph Opera @TelegraphOpera Make up your own mind about Rosenkavalier: the Telegraph is live streaming the opera on June 8 #GlyndebourneLive @glyndebourne
Mayor’s Music Fund @Mayorsmusic Looking forward to hearing Deputy Mayor for Education & Culture, Munira Mirza, on @LBC this morning. #LDNMusicAwards
Music Teacher @MusicTeacherMag Congrats to the winners of this year’s NCEM Young Composers Award – details and link to live stream here:
Naxos Records @naxosrecords It’s never too late to introduce the kids to #ClassicalMusic! Enter2Win My 1st Classical Music Collection!

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