The Telegraph
Opera being ruined by ‘useless quest for novelty’, says former Royal Opera House boss
Sir John Tooley, former general director of the Royal Opera House, says classics are being ruined by directors trying to do “something alternative at any price”
The Denver Post
Colorado Symphony cannabis concerts will go on, by invitation only
The Colorado Symphony Orchestra will go on with its “Classically Cannabis” concert series — changing the bring-your-own marijuana events to invitation-only fundraisers so they will not be construed as public events that potentially could break the law.
BBC Music Magazine
BBC National Orchestra of Wales announces its 2014-15 season
BBC National Orchestra of Wales has announced the details of its 2014-15 season, with Bryn Terfel joining the orchestra for St. David’s Day celebrations in 2015.
Classical Music Magazine
Thomas Hampson opens proceedings at Classical:NEXT
Do not be afraid to admit that classical music is art music and that it is enjoyed by the middle classes, but do fight to keep music in school classrooms ‒ that was the challenge delivered by singer and cultural campaigner Thomas Hampson in his keynote speech at the opening of Classical:NEXT, the 800 delegate classical congress in Vienna.
Classic FM Online
Nicola Benedetti, Murray Perahia and Andrew Lloyd Webber honoured at Royal College of Music
The star violinist spoke out against arts cuts as she received a fellowship from HRH The Prince of Wales at the Royal College of Music this morning, alongside Murray Perahia and Andrew Lloyd Webber.
New York Times
Philharmonic Transformation, From Members to Mission
New York Philharmonic faces big orchestra hiring decisions
Die Zeit
Dirigent Valery GergievPutins Liebling
2015 soll Valery Gergiev Chefdirigent der Münchner Philharmoniker werden. Doch seine Freundschaft mit dem russischen Präsidenten irritiert. Was treibt ihn künstlerisch an? Eine Spurensuche in London und St. Petersburg.
Klassik Akzente
50 Fakten über Herbert von Karajan: Die Legende lebt, Teil 1/5
Herbert von Karajan und Deutsche Grammophon: 50 Jahre währte ihre Zusammenarbeit (1939-1989). Wir gedenken Karajans mit einer Sammlung von 50 Fakten, die jeder Fan kennen sollte.
Nordrhein-Westfalen bringt Kulturfördergesetz auf den Weg
In Nordrhein-Westfalen wird die Kulturförderung künftig wohl per Gesetz geregelt. Ein entsprechender Entwurf zu einem “Kulturfördergesetz” wurde am Dienstag vom Kabinett beschlossen, nach den Sommerferien soll dieser in den Landtag eingebracht werden.
Corriere della Sera
Jan Lisiecki, il giovanissimo pianista prodigio che ama Fryderyck Chopin
Lisiecki è in tour in Italia, a Milano alla Società del Quartetto, a Reggio Emilia, a Salerno, il 28 maggio conclude il suo tour a Roma, all’Accademia di Santa Cecilia
Classical Music on Twitter
CBSO Benevolent Fund @CBSOBenevolent It’s #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek and @HelpMusiciansUK offers some sound advice –
Faber & Faber @FaberBooks Still time to send @Boosey_London your questions. They are hosting a twitter Q & A with Harrison Birtwistle tomorrow at 1.30 #AskBirtwistle
Classical:NEXT @ClassicalNEXT Conference session 1 “Korean New Waves In Classical Music” currently underway in the MAK Lecture Hall.
LA Opera @LAOpera Maestro @JamesJConlon discusses classical music’s economic realities & what can be done in new @MusicalAmerica post
Joanne Lau @joannelaucomedy I don’t care if it’s breakfast. Listening to classical music while cooking makes me feel like Hannibal Lecter.

The Telegraph