CNTV (China)
Charity in Beijing brings classical music to migrant children
A charity group in Beijing is using classical music to help children of migrant workers adjust to the rhythm of life in the big cities.
Classical Music Magazine
Sage Gateshead leadership to change
Sage Gateshead has announced two major changes to its leadership. Anthony Sargent, general director of Sage Gateshead for fifteen years will stand down in early 2015 after the venue’s tenth birthday in December. Katherine Zeserson, who has been director of learning and participation at the venue since 2002, has announced she will also be moving on in early 2015.
RSNO launches nationwide music programme for schools
Next month, the Royal Scottish National Orchestra (RSNO) will provide the most comprehensive orchestra-led music access programme to primary and secondary schools across Scotland.
Pet Shop Boys, CBeebies and Military Wives among Proms debuts
The Washington Post
A happy marriage between Smithsonian’s American Art Museum, 21st Century Consort
The museum gets a concert series, and the Consort gets a fine hall and subjects to build programs around.
The Sydney Morning Herald
Maestro’s support for Putin may spark protests on great orchestra’s tour
Conductor Valery Gergiev’s close ties with Putin looks likely to spark protests yet again on the LSO’s Australian tour.
Classic FM Online
Berlin Philharmonic launches own record label
The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra will be launching its own record label, Berliner Phiharmoniker Recordings, it has been announced.
Die Welt
Kein Plattenvertrag? Lasst uns ein Label gründen!
Die Berliner Philharmoniker waren immer schon sehr eigensinnig. Nun gründen sie ihr CD-Label. Doch das ist eher eine verspätete Flucht nach vorn, weil sie keinen Plattenvertrag mehr haben
Rückkehr auf die Opernbühne: Startenor José Carreras singt wieder
Er war einer der bekanntesten Tenöre der Welt und will es nochmal wissen: José Carreras kehrt nach acht Jahren zurück auf die Opernbühne.
El Mundo
El canto del destino de Heras-Casado
El director granadino llega el próximo lunes 28 al Palau de Barcelona junto a la Freiburger Barockorchester, con la que colabora habitualmente y con la que interpretará piezas de Schumann y Brahms.
Dom Aversano: @domaversano Interesting event: Uncovering the political voice of classical music @nonclassical
Classic FM: @ClassicFM Last weekend we unveiled the UK’s favourite 300 classical works for 2014 – take a look at the full chart here:
LA Chamber Orchestra: @LACOtweets How do young people enjoy classical music? Read @TIME article featuring @groupmuse‘s intimate chamber music parties:
Guardian Culture Professionals: @GdnCulturePros Arts lottery funding imbalance ‘requires urgent address’, say arts leaders #arts #culture

Classical Music Magazine