Classical News
In today’s news, the Three Choirs Festival Association appoints Alexis Paterson as its new chief executive, a girl born without fingers learns to play the viola with a 3D printed hand and the candidates for the 2015 Sibelius Competition are announced. Also, school children in Leeds have the opportunity to work on their own opera
Classical Music Magazine
Three Choirs appoints new chief executive
The Three Choirs Festival Association has appointed Alexis Paterson as its new chief executive. She will take up the position in mid-January 2016, succeeding Dominic Jewel (who will become managing director of the National Children’s Orchestras of Great Britain in December 2015)
The Strad
Girl born without fingers aims to play viola with 3D-printed hand
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Art & Design professor Frankie Flood is helping a 10-year-old girl, born without fingers on her right hand, to play the viola
The Violin Channel
Candidates Announced for Sibelius Competition – Including 7 VC ‘Young Artists’
The 45 candidates have today been announced for the 2015 Sibelius International Violin Competition, to be held in Helsinki, Finland from November 23rd to December 3rd, 2015 – including 7 VC ‘Young Artists’
Yorkshire Evening Post
Kids get to master opera thanks to Leeds teacher’s fund
LEEDS school children will get the chance to work with professional singers to devise their own opera thanks to the arts fund set up to remember murdered teacher Ann Maguire
Taipei Times (Taiwan)
Musician claims official neglect
The government does not do enough to support talented classical musicians, award-winning violinist Tseng Yu-chien (曾宇謙) says
Garry Walker wird Chefdirigent der Rheinischen Philharmonie
Der 41-jährige Schotte Garry Walker wird neuer Chefdirigent des Staatsorchesters Rheinische Philharmonie in Koblenz. Er tritt in der Spielzeit 2017/18 die Nachfolge von Daniel Raiskin an
Auswirkungen von CETA und TTIP auf Kultur und Bildung
Die geplanten transatlantischen Freihandelsabkommen zwischen der EU und den USA (TTIP) sowie Kanada (CETA) werden gegenwärtig breit diskutiert – auch im Bereich Bildung und Kultur
Händel-Festspiele: Finanzierung bis 2022 gesichert
Die Händel-Festspiele Halle sind durch eine Vereinbarung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt mit der Stadt Halle bis 2022 finanziell gesichert
El Mundo
Luis Eduardo Aute: ‘Sin cultura somos zombis robotizados’
‘En vez de ir al psicólogo a descargar, pillo un papel y escribo o dibujo y me alivio bastante’ – una entrevista con Luis Eduardo Aute
San Francisco Classical Voice
On the Bench With Leif Ove Andsnes: At Home in the World
Like all A-list touring soloists, pianist Leif Ove Andsnes is a citizen of the world. But he is also a Norwegian, with roots planted deep in the soil of his native country.
Classical Music: @ClassicalMusic8 Robert Craft | Writer and conductor, 92 –
Gdn Culture Pros: @GdnCulturePros If you missed any of the #LoveTheatreDay goodness, catch-up with our live blog
Classic FM: @ClassicFM Weather men say might snow soon!
Anyone got #Snowvember? Here’s the @ClassicFM handy flowsnow chart

Shea Stollenwerk currently holds her bow with the help of an adaptive device/ The Strad