USA Today
Saxophone industry is music to Taiwan’s ears
Taiwan is becoming a leading saxophone manufacturer
Los Angeles Times
Cellphone disrupts performance of Haydn’s Piano Concerto in D
Sweden’s Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra posted a video this week showing a performance of Haydn’s Piano Concerto in D. A persistently ringing cellphone brings the concert to a halt, with conductor and soloist Christian Zacharias looking up in aggravation from the keyboard.
Classic FM Online
Children who have music lessons more likely to become great inventors
A new study at Michigan State University has revealed that children who are given music lessons are more likely to succeed in areas of science and problem-solving.
National Public Radio (US)
Energetic, Intimate ‘Letters’ Reveal Private Leonard Bernstein
Letters to and from Bernstein have been compiled into The Leonard Bernstein Letters, a new book edited by Nigel Simeone.
Chicago Tribune
CSO reports small deficit, record ticket sales and fundraising
The orchestra’s parent body, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association, reported record-breaking fundraising for a third consecutive year, along with record ticket sales. This financial year incurred an operating deficit of $169,000, compared to $1.3 million deficit in 2012 and $927,000 in 2011.
What will recorded music sound like in 2050?
John La Grou, founder and CEO at Millennia Music & Media Systems, has forecast how recorded sound will evolve over the coming decades. Scientists predict we’ll be recording music with gestures and music will be mixed to create full 3D immersion over headphones long before 2050.
Gramophone blogs
Which is worse – Bryn Terfel singing pop songs or Stokowski covering Bach?
Should classical and popular music respect one another by never combining at all? Andrew Mellor on crossovers.
Die Zeit
Igor Levit wagt sich an Beethovens späte Sonaten.

USA Today