Classical News
The Guardian
Beethoven’s heart and Wagner’s bowels, and why they don’t matter
The trend to draw parallels between the specifics of a composer’s possible medical history and the particularities of his music should come – well, with a musicological health-warning.
Tim Ashley’s opera guide: marital hell
In the last of his opera guides, Tim Ashley selects five great works that explore what happens when they didn’t live happily ever after, and shows where to find the best versions online
The Strad
US Department of Transportation finalises law for carrying instruments on board airlines
Small instruments such as violins are now legally allowed as carry-on baggage provided there is available stowage space
Classic FM
Extinction beckons for piano shops in US as children lose interest
The continued decline in piano sales in the United States means shops selling the instrument are becoming a rare site.
The 10 most bizarre Viennese waltzes and polkas
Every year the Vienna Philharmonic greets the new year with its annual celebration of the music of the Strauss family. And every year, the orchestra lets its collective hair down with one of the more bizarre pieces in the Viennese canon. Here are some of our favourites…
Frühestes bekanntes Zeugnis der Zweistimmigkeit entdeckt
Doktorand stößt in British Library auf Dokument aus der Zeit um 910
Deutschlandradio Kultur
Pilsen – eine europäische Musikstadt
Diese Stadt ist ohnehin bekannt für ihre Jazz-Szene, doch 2015 wird “ihr Jahr”: Pilsen, Kulturhauptstadt Europas.
Codex Flores
Deutscher Aktionstag gegen TTIP
Der Deutsche Kulturrat ruft am 21. Mai, dem Internationalen Tag der Kulturellen Vielfalt, zu einem Aktionstag gegen die zur Diskussion stehenden Freihandelsabkommen TTIP und CETA auf.
The New York Times
Discounted Tickets: A Test for the Metropolitan Opera
One of the first measures Peter Gelb instituted when he arrived as general manager of the Metropolitan Opera in 2006 was to introduce a rush ticket program, which offers up to 100 or so $25 tickets in prime seating locations for each performance.
El Mundo
‘El Teatro Real ha hecho los deberes’
Hace unos días, Gregorio Marañón aseguró que el Teatro Real, cuyo patronato preside, contaría con un superávit de medio millón de euros en 2015.
Classicalite @Classicalite: Artistic Director of @OperaAustralia Lyndon Terracini Revokes Critics’s Tickets for Giving Bad Reviews … @klassikcom: Mailänder Sinfonieorchester erhält Teil der versprochenen Subventionen #Orchester #Kulturpolitik @Klassikinfo: Waltraud Meier zum Ehrenmitglied der Berliner Staatsoper ernannt

The soprano Renée Fleming, center, in the title role of Franz Lehar’s operetta “The Merry Widow,” at the Metropolitan Opera.
Credit: Sara Krulwich/The New York Times