
20th March: The Philharmonic Turntable Orchestra makes history, CBSO pay tribute to Debussy, and “Forty Girls” is performed.

Tuesday 20th March 2018

In today’s news: An orchestra has been made entirely out of turntables, Sonic Boom festival provides opportunities for young composers, “Forty Girls is performed in Uzbekistan, New Century appionts Daniel Hope as music director, Anne-Sophie Mutter honoured with polish culture prize and Anselm Rose to be new managing director of Rundfunk Orchester und Chöre GmbH Berlin (roc berlin).

NY Times

Mighty Women Warriors, Resurrected From an Ancient Epic

Gathered in a concert hall recently in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, a group of eight women and one man rehearsed a musical retelling an ancient epic tale called “Forty Girls.”

The Guardian

Debussy festival – CBSO salute a genius with sweeping celebration

The city’s classical institutions delivered inspired performances of all of Debussy’s orchestral and chamber music, and paid tribute to his musical legacy

Digital Trends

The Philharmonic Turntable Orchestra make a symphony out of turntables

To celebrate Japan’s LP Record Day, The Philharmonic Turntable Orchestra gathered in order to remix one of the most important records in music history.

Vancouver Sun

Classical music: Sonic Boom Festival provides unfettered creativity

Young and local composers are now invited to join master classes at Vancouver’s 4 day classical music festival instead of original ‘senior conductors.’

San Francisco Chronicle

New Century appoints Daniel Hope as music director

The British violinist Daniel Hope began the current season with the New Century Chamber Orchestra as interim artistic leader.


Anne-Sophie Mutter mit polnischem Kulturpreis geehrt – Botschafterin für Polens Musik

Zeitgenössische Musik hat Geigerin Anne-Sophie Mutter dank des polnischen Komponisten Witold Lutosławski entdeckt. Seither bringt sie seine Musik in die Konzertsäle.


Anselm Rose wird neuer Geschäftsführer der Rundfunk Orchester und Chöre GmbH Berlin

Die Gesellschafter der Rundfunk Orchester und Chöre GmbH Berlin (roc berlin) haben Anselm Rose zum neuen Geschäftsführer der Holding bestellt.


Minsker Orchester entlastet Leitung der Tiroler Festspiele

Die weißrussischen Musiker des Erler Festspielorchesters
haben den Intendanten der Tiroler Festspiele Gustav Kuhn demonstrativ gegen Vorwürfe in Schutz genommen.

El País

40 años de travesía musical

El grupo La Folía celebra sus cuatro décadas con una gira por Italia y Japón, y actúa mañana en la Fundación Juan March


Anne-Sophie Mutter and Poland’s Culture Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Piotr Gliński Photo (c) PAP/Jacek Turczyk