
11th June: Xu Zhong appointed as international chair at the Royal Welsh College of Music, Study on the dispersion of aerosols during concerts, Herbert von Karajan linked to the Nazi regime: will Salzburg change the name of the Karajan-square?

Friday 11th June 2021

Xu Zhong joins Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama as international chair in opera

Internationally renowned Chinese pianists and conductors Xu Zhong is currently president of Shanghai Opera House, principal director of Fondazione Arena di Verona, chief conductor of Suzhou Symphony Orchestra, and Dean of Soochow University School of Music.

He has worked as the artistic director and the chief conductor of Teatro Massimo Bellini and as the music director and the chief conductor of Israel Haifa Symphony Orchestra. His role will support RWCMD’s journey towards diversity and further the relationship between Wales and China, Europe and the rest of the world.

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Studie zur Verbreitung von Aerosolen bei Konzerten

Im Großen Sendesaal der NDR Radiophilharmonie sind während eines Konzerts Tests zur Verbreitung von Aerosolen durchgeführt worden. Wissenschaftler des Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institutes hatten für die Untersuchung zusätzlich Attrappen und Messgeräte im Zuschauerraum aufgebaut.

Der Saal war besetzt, 130 vollständig geimpfte Zuschauer saßen im Schachbrettmuster ohne Masken. Die Puppen simulierten dabei über Schläuche menschliche Atmung. Um sie herum wurden die Luftbewegungen geprüft, außerdem wurden verschiedene Einflussszenarien wie die Wärmeentwicklung von Scheinwerfern getestet. Um die Plätze herum galten weiterhin die üblichen Hygieneregeln wie Abstand und Maskenpflicht.

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Study on the dispersion of aerosols during concerts

In the main auditorium of the NDR Radiophilharmonie, tests on the dispersion of aerosols were carried out during a concert. Scientists from the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute had set up dummies and measuring devices in the auditorium for the study.

The concert hall was packed, 130 fully vaccinated spectators were sitting in a chequerboard pattern without masks. The dummies installed simulated human breathing via tubes. Air movement was tested around them as well as various scenarios, such as the heat generated by spotlights. Surrounding the seats, the usual hygiene rules such as distancing and the wearing of masks were still in force.

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Herbert von Karajan lié au régime nazi : Salzbourg va-t-elle débaptiser une place à son nom ?

Les conclusions d’un rapport commandé à une commission d’historiens, publié le 8 juin, indiquent que, parmi les personnalités ayant donné leur nom à des rues ou places de Salzbourg, un certain nombre a été plus ou moins impliqué avec le régime nazi. Dans cette liste, 13 noms considérés comme ayant eu des « connexions sérieuses », dont celui du célèbre chef d’orchestre Herbert von Karajan qui a donné son nom à une place de la ville autrichienne. […]

Il est vrai qu’Herbert von Karajan a toujours affirmé que son implication avec le régime nazi lui avait était dictée non par conviction mais pour favoriser ses ambitions professionnelles. Jusqu’à sa mort en 1989, le maestro n’exprimera jamais ni remords ni regrets à l’égard de cette période de sa vie.

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Herbert von Karajan linked to the Nazi regime: will Salzburg change the name of the Karajan-square?

The conclusions of a report by a commission of historians, published on 8 June, indicate that, among the personalities who have given their names to streets or squares in Salzburg, a certain number were more or less involved with the Nazi regime. The list includes 13 names considered to have had “serious connections”, including the famous conductor Herbert von Karajan who gave his name to a square in the Austrian city. […]

It is indeed true that Herbert von Karajan always claimed that his involvement with the Nazi regime was dictated not by conviction but to further his professional ambitions. Until his death in 1989, the maestro never expressed either remorse or regret for this period of his life.

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